companies Near Me in Louisbourg, Nova Scotia
companies Near Me in Louisbourg, Nova Scotia
Lobster Kettle Restaurant
41 Strathcona St, Louisbourg, NS B0A 1M0, Louisbourg, Nova Scotia
+1 902-733-2723
Jake's Restaurant
7464 Main St, Louisbourg, NS B1C 1H5, Louisbourg, Nova Scotia
+ 1 902-733-3677
Fortress of Louisbourg National Historic Site
259 Park Service Rd, Louisbourg, NS B1C 2L2, Louisbourg, Nova Scotia
+ 1 902-733-3548
Social & Human Service Organizations
CAW Louisbourg Food Bank
7495 Main St, Louisbourg, NS B1C 1H6, Louisbourg, Nova Scotia
Gas Station
Irving Oil
5790 Louisbourg Hwy, Catalone, NS B1C 2G5, Louisbourg, Nova Scotia
+ 1 902-733-2497
Louisbourg Ship Supply
7 Commercial St, Louisbourg, NS B1C 1B5, Louisbourg, Nova Scotia
+ 1 902-733-2422
Convenience Store
Peck's Convenience Store
2 Wolfe St, Louisbourg, NS B1C 2J2, Louisbourg, Nova Scotia
+1 902-733-2210
Big Wave Cafe
Louisbourg Main a Dieu Rd, Louisbourg, NS B1C 1R1, Louisbourg, Nova Scotia
+1 902-733-2749
Convenience & Variety Stores
Louisbourg General Store
7475 Main St, Louisbourg, NS B1C 1H3, Louisbourg, Nova Scotia
The Grubstake Restaurant
7499 Main St, Louisbourg, NS B1C 1H8, Louisbourg, Nova Scotia
+1 902-733-2308
Grubstake Restaurant
7499 Main St, Louisbourg, NS B1C 1H8, Louisbourg, Nova Scotia
Marine Equipment & Supplies
Louisbourg Ship Supply & Service Ltd
7 Commercial St, Louisbourg, NS B1C 1B5, Louisbourg, Nova Scotia
Categories of companies in Louisbourg
- Bank
- Banks
- Bar
- Bed & Breakfast Accommodations
- Beer & Liquor Stores
- Bridge Clubs
- Cafe
- Campgrounds
- Churches & Other Places of Worship
- Contractors - General
- Convenience & Variety Stores
- Convenience Store
- Divers
- Fish & Seafood - Wholesale
- Gas Station
- Gift Shops
- Government Offices - City, Village & Township
- Grocery Stores & Markets
- Guns & Gunsmiths
- Hamburger Restaurant
- Hotel
- Inns
- Marine Equipment & Supplies
- Museum
- Pizza Restaurant
- Post Offices
- Restaurant
- Restaurants
- Schools - Secondary & Elementary - Academic
- Social & Human Service Organizations
- Tourist Accommodations
- Tourist Attractions
- Uncategorized