companies Near Me in Keremeos, British Columbia
companies Near Me in Keremeos, British Columbia
Gas Station
Sportsman's Corner Gas
3163 BC-3, Keremeos, BC V0X 1N1, Keremeos, British Columbia
+ 1 250-499-5815
Sanderson Farms Market
British Columbia 3, Keremeos, BC V0X 1N1, Keremeos, British Columbia
+1 250-499-2215
Benja Thai Restaurant
516 7th Ave, Keremeos, BC V0X 1N0, Keremeos, British Columbia
+ 1 250-499-2561
Car Service
Signature Tire Keremeos (K Mountain Auto Repair)
503 7th Ave, Keremeos, BC V0X 1N0, Keremeos, British Columbia
+1 250-499-7077
Bokboks Pizza Plus
607 7th Ave, Keremeos, BC V0X 1N0, Keremeos, British Columbia
+1 250-499-8815
Grist Mill & Gardens at Keremeos
2691 Upper Bench Rd, Keremeos, BC V0X 1N4, Keremeos, British Columbia
+1 250-499-2888
Cathedral Provincial Park
HWY-3, Keremeos, BC V0X 1N0, Keremeos, British Columbia
+1 250-548-0076
Car Service
NAPA Auto Parts - Daks Holdings Ltd
608 7th Ave, Keremeos, BC V0X 1N0, Keremeos, British Columbia
+1 250-499-2461
Candy Store
526 7th Ave, Keremeos, BC V0X 1N0, Keremeos, British Columbia
+1 250-499-5543
Hardware Store
Keremeos Home Building Centre
620 Veterans Ave, Keremeos, BC V0X 1N0, Keremeos, British Columbia
+1 250-499-5322
Car Service
Cawston Tire
3311 BC-3, Keremeos, BC V0X 1N1, Keremeos, British Columbia
+ 1 250-499-7815
Branding Iron Bar
603 7th Ave, Keremeos, BC V0X 1N0, Keremeos, British Columbia
+ 1 250-499-2646
Categories of companies in Keremeos
- Art Gallery
- Automobile Body Repair & Painting
- Automobile Repairing & Service
- Bakery
- Banks
- Bar
- Beauty Salon
- Building Materials
- Cafe
- Candy Store
- Car Repair and Maintenance
- Car Service
- Car Wash
- Churches & Other Places of Worship
- Community & Recreation Centres
- Community Services
- Contractors - General
- Convenience Store
- Counselling & Counsellors
- Cremation Services
- Dental Clinic
- Dentist
- Dentists
- Designers
- Electrical Contractors
- Excavating Contractors
- Florist
- Fraternal Organizations
- Fruit & Vegetable Growers & Shippers
- Fruits & Vegetables - Retail
- Funeral Homes
- Garden Centres & Nurseries
- Gas Station
- Grocery Stores & Markets
- Gym
- Hair Salon
- Hamburger Restaurant
- Hardware - Retail
- Hardware Store
- Health Information
- Hotel
- Insurance Agency
- Insurance Agents & Brokers
- Irrigation Systems & Equipment
- Janitorial Services
- Liquor Store
- Museum
- Paint - Retail
- Park
- Pharmacies
- Pharmacy
- Physiotherapists
- Pizza Restaurant
- Post Offices
- Real Estate Agencies & Brokers
- Renovations & Home Improvements
- Restaurant
- Restaurants
- Schools - Secondary & Elementary - Academic
- Storage Facilities & Self Storage
- Uncategorized